After Thomas Maxwell was imprisoned, Patrick Henry came to his defense. Tradition says that he converted a jailer and his whole family. His prominent nose was partially scared from pressing against the bars as he preached. Rev. Maxwell founded Falling Creek Baptist Church in 1788.
Located three miles South of Elberton Ga. It was the spiritual home of many Virginia settlers including members of the Butler family. Other members there were the Dye, Fannin, and Bell families.
All were related by blood or marriage to Butlers in Elbert Co. James Butler, Zachs oldest son was a member and in 1829 Peter Patrick Butler grandson of Patrick Butler, joined the fellowship. He later became a deacon and in 1832 he was licensed to preach. Falling Creek authorized his ordination March 6,1833. While leading churches in Oglethorpe Co. Ga. , he baptised 345 people.
Farming to provide for his family, he did not take full payment for his preaching. He was married twice. Millie Bell was his first wife. They had several children including Joseph B. Butler a minister who lived in Tennessee, Harriet, Louisa Martha, Sylareus, Sally, Elizabeth, and Letichia. Later he married Rebecca Glenn. In Jackson Co. where some of his Butler cousins lived he married Nathan Butler and Nancy Adams Oct 7, 1835.
After serving for over 39 years he died at his home in Oglethorpe Co. Ga. April 30, 1870 at 63.