Nathan Butler b 1769 and his wife Mary Ann left Elbert Co Ga and settled in Walton Co. sometime after 1820. Patrick Butler b 1799 and Jane Hansard Butler are there also and I believe from my evidence so far that Patrick was Nathans son. Continually moving west in 1850 we find Nathan and Mary Ann in Paulding Co with son Daniel Butler b 1794. From records of the history of Ark. Daniel is described as a wagon maker, a worker in wood, born in SC and dying in Ga. Patrick is a carpenter according to the 1850 census, adding to my list of circumstantial facts that lead me to conclude that they were brothers.
Nathan H. Butler b 1818 m Francis R. Hogue son of Daniel along with his sons Napoleon B Butler and James Marion Butler b 1838 are found in Alabama at the time of the Civil War.
As the Southern States voted to leave the union, many upland citizens of Tenn, Ga and Al did not agree. They were not plantation owners with slaves. Farming in the hills of Alabama they were independent unionists who remembered the loyalty of their fathers and grandfathers for the Stars & Stripes.
"We agree with President Jackson that no state can legally get out of the Union"
Some members of 1st Alabama USA

William was from Shelby Co Al

Read if you want to know more
As conscription of troops took hold, the Hill farmers of Alabama hid, avoided, and refused to be forced to fight against the United States. Finally in 1862 they formed their own regiment and joined the Union Army. In the ranks of the 1st Alabama USA, Nathan H Butler and son Napoleon enlisted as privates and joined the cavalry regiment. They enlisted June 24, 1863 and then went home to get their families in order and returned Jan 23,1864. Constantly harassed and sometimes violently mistreated by their Confederate kin and neighbors the Alabama Yankees kept their convictions and assisted Sherman at the end of the conflict.
James Marion Butler b 1838 served in the Confederate Army, thus confirming the "Brother against Brother" description of the war.
Southerners if anything are a people with deep and loyal values. No matter which side of any issue, the love of country is a part of every Southern born American. Lets not forget these brave ones in this 150th Anniversary Year, lets remember and be proud.