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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Zachariah Butler and his son Joseph.......

I would like to thank Dr. Janice Turner and her brother Larry Butler for their kind help they have given me in my search for my roots. Dr. Turner and I first spoke around 1980 by phone and she was a great help to me. She shared what she had found on the Butler family and was eager to tell me about our rich family history. The following is some added information that I found interesting. Thank you Larry and Janice for sharing with all of us.

The following information was submitted to this site by Dr. Janice Butler Turner and me. Janice was recognized around the CSRA (The counties around Richmond County Georgia) for 20 years. I spent many days pouring over records to try to prove or disprove the few facts that are actually in print about our ancestor Zachariah. We all fall victim to father time and I miss her input and companionship greatly. Larry R. Butler-baby brother

Listed in the "Official History of Elbert County Georgia 1790-1935 by John H. McIntosh. Butler Family Cemetery is located in Fortsonia Ga. right outside of Elberton Ga. on what is now the Dye homestead. When Janice and I were there about 20 years ago there were two Revolutionary War Markers standing. Zachariah and Patrick Butler. We have since heard they have been vandalized and are no longer completely visible. (In November 2011 the Elbert Co. Ga. SAR cleaned up this cemetery and the markers and had a dedication ceremony)

Marriage date from Zachariah family Bible as copied by Randy Butler. This bible information is still debatable but we have no legitimate argument to deny the information found in this book. We would, however like to know where this Bible is now located or if it is still in existence. The 1820 Census does not show a Zachariah Butler in Elbert County Georgia. There are no financial dealings of him and his wife after 1814. He paid taxes in 1814 but is not on the 1817 tax list. There is no male of his age in any of the Butler Households in Elbert County Georgia in 1920. It is out opinion that he dies between 1814 and 1820. He would have been 84 years old in 1820. He bought 700 acres of land in 1811 from a Rich who sold the land the next year. We have to accept that he is alive in 1813 since he shows in a book of Taxpayers 1791-1813, but the entries are not dated. But Rich is paying taxes on land he bought from Zachariah and Zachariah is still listed as owner of adjacent land in 1812 and he is therefore assumed to be alive in 1812

 Nancy Butler born in 1792 is said to be his daughter in some DAR records. She is actually Patrick’s as evidenced by the date of her birth and the naming of her first son.

Have in our possession a copy of microfilm record from Virginia confirming his birth year as 1736 prior to September or 1735 after September. On Sept 2 1780 he was listed as 44 years old five feet four and 1/2 inches tall, with black hair and blue eyes and fair complexion. Listed in Chesterfield House as belonging to Militia and having signed up for eight months in September 1780. Private in Anderson's Company Nelson's Reg Virginia Troops.(Do not know if reg stands for regiment or regular)

In 1782 "Heads of Families" he is in Mecklenburg Virginia in list of Lewis Parham with 9 white in household. So he has a wife and seven in house. James is married and his first child was born in 1782. There is a James in the same tax list not far from Zachariah with 4 in house. Patrick is also married with a child 1782but does not appear near Zachariah in the tax list so he is possibly still at home. This places Zachariah, his wife, Patrick, Joel, Anna, Patrick’s wife and possibly their child.


In "General Indexes to Deeds Mecklenburg Virginia page 77 if found the following. November 3 1784 Zachariah Butler and wife Mary Deed to Joshia Butler (this is in error, it later appears as Joseph), land in Book 6 page 418.So Zachariah was married to Mary at least that early. The index was incorrect, the person was Joseph Butler and the land was 100 acres and sold for 5 shillings of the current money of the county. (This is a very small amount for 100 acres)

We conclude that a Joseph was probably a son of Zachariah. A Joseph marries Frances Oliver in June 9 1783 in Mecklenburg County, but records say he was born in Caroline Virginia. This is not our Joseph

In Book B page 194 Wilkes County Georgia Land Grant. Head right for self and two in family. This was in 1785. We firmly believe there was a son Joseph who stayed in Virginia and kept the family land, simply because of the sum of money paid